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9 Dirtiest Body Parts You Have No Idea About!

by Qunki Team | health and fitness
Home > health and fitness > 9 Dirtiest Body Parts You Have No Idea About!

Human beings are probably the greatest creation of God a perfectly efficient machine that is capable of such wonders. The human body is incredibly complex, and we still dont know exactly how each and every part works.

The design of the human body is amazing the cells are the building blocks of life and combination of trillions of cells leads to us. How they work in unison to create consciousness is still a mystery.

Although the human body is efficient, that doesnt mean there is any accumulation of dirt and germs. Some body parts are notorious as breeding grounds for bacteria. Lets take a look at the nine dirtiest body parts. I am sure you will be shocked by some of them!

1 Mouth

This isnt a surprise for anyone; the mouth is the dirtiest part of the body. Studies have shown that there are over 600 different types of bacteria in the mouth. You can now understand why there is always bad breath if you dont brush your teeth regularly.

2 Armpits

This shouldnt come as a surprise as well. Around 80,000 bacteria are residing in this body part, which is why chances of a stinking smell coming from your armpits are high. Dont forget to wash this area regularly.

3 Head

Do you experience itching often? It might be due to a combination of dandruff and the bacteria living in your head. If you dont want hair fall, take special care of your head and wash it thoroughly daily.

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4 Ears

Ears rank 4th in our list of the dirtiest body parts. But cleaning the ears is quite easy since it creates a waxy substance, which can be removed using ear buds. Doing this once every two weeks is more than enough.

5 Tongue

Have you ever seen your tongues colour change from pink to yellow or even gray when you are sick or have an infection? Your tongue is a breeding ground for tons of bacteria. Hence it is recommended to use tongue cleaners at regular intervals.

6 Anus

Our digestive system is the home to several types of bacteria which get to the anus, turning it into one of the dirtiest body parts.

7 Nasal Cavity

This too is not a surprise at all; the nose is the breeding ground for several types of bacteria. When you have a cold, its the nose trying to get rid of the bacteria. Also, if you scratch or finger your nose too much, chances of catching a nasal infection are highly increased.

8 Finger Nails

Fingernails carry a lot of germs, while dirt gets accumulated under the fingernails. This is extremely unhygienic since it can become a breeding ground for deadly bacteria and microbes.

9 Belly Button

There is no doubt that the belly button is one of the dirtiest body parts. Even though you might think its clean, there are lots of bacteria residing there which cannot be seen without a microscope.

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